Disconnected Monitor:Disconnected monitoring systems can happen due to issues with the internet, power outages, or problems with your modem or home signal. Your system's monitor will become disconnected if you change your Wi-Fi password, home internet service or replace your router.
- If your online system monitoring need reconnection, there will be a service charge. It is the customer's responsibility to maintain the connection between their PV system and their home's internet system. This is something we cannot control beyond your initial installation date.
- The minimum service call fee will apply $249 (plus travel) for system monitoring reconnection.
Inverter Failure:Most solar PV system inverters are covered by warranties lasting 10-25 years, but the exact period can vary from system to system. This information is included in your contract documents.
- While the physical inverter itself is covered under this warranty period by the manufacturer, ACES standard labor warranty expires 2 years after your installation is complete.
- If you need a microinverter to be replaced, and your systems age exceeds 2 years, you will be billed for the labor portion of the installation.
- Warranting a solar PV inverter requires ACES Energy to submit the failure and proof to the system manufacturer for their approval and review. Once they review and approve, they will mail us replacement parts. This means that warranty inverter replacement scheduling are subject to the manufacturer ship times and when we receive the replacement part.
- The minimum service call fee for replacing microinverters for a roof mounted PV system is $299 (plus travel)
- The minimum service call fee for replacing microinverters for a ground mounted PV system is $249 (plus travel)
Troubleshooting GFCI or String Inverters:
If there’s a problem with your GFCI or string inverter,
the minimum service fee will be $249 (plus travel).
Other General Service:The minimum service fee will be $249 (plus travel, parts, etc.). Your final bill will be based on the extent of the services provided.
Our team is always more than happy to review your system's performance via your online monitoring system to support remote diagnostics and fixes, if applicable. This is always our first step in determining if service is needed at your home. If it is determined that a service call is needed, we will work with you to schedule.