We're CElebrating your sustainability journey.

We're CElebrating your sustainability journey.

Have a grove of trees planted in celebration of your choice to go geothermal.

Have a grove of trees planted in celebration of your choice to go geothermal.

Now through March 14th 2025, sign a geothermal contract to be eligible.

how it works

On the last page of your contract, you will select the forest your trees will be planted in!

ACES will work with the Arbor day foundation to dedicate planting 50 trees in your name. 

You will receive a certificate of your award in the mail for your display.

Amplifying your impact

Installing Geothermal is the equivalent to planting 750 trees.

When installing a geothermal heat pump, your are eliminating your home's emissions associated with on site heating. If you are no longer burning fuels and creating combustion, your heating system is not contributing to emission production on-site.  

the grove of trees will amplify your impact by...

providing oxygen for 200 people

creating the Equivalent of taking 5 cars off the road for 1 year

Oxygen supply and cars removed from the road are based on mature trees from a variety of project types. - Arbor Day Foundation



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